Piano Inspection and Valuation

Keep your pianos in tune and play your masterpiece with flair with the help of a professional piano tuner in Malaysia. United Piano offers top-notch piano tuning and maintenance services in areas at affordable rates!

  • Trained & licensed team of piano tuners
  • Wide range of piano maintenance solutions
  • Reasonable fees and rates
  • Far-reaching service areas
  • Accommodate urgent requests & job orders

Call us now and get a free quote!


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Buying or selling a piano is a task of great responsibility. Therefore, we recommend you get your instrument thoroughly inspected before going further with your decision.

When we inspect your piano, we find out the health of the different components of your instrument followed by giving you a report of it. We keep this report in our database should you require it in future. After the inspection, you know the exact condition of your instrument, thus allowing you to make a sound financial decision. The fee for inspections varies depending on the nature of the request.

Similarly, when you consider selling a piano, going ahead with an unrealistic price puts you at a loss. The best way out is to determine the value of your piano through an expert technician. We not only provide a written valuation report, but can also give you a valuation for your insurance company if you decide to add your piano to the insurance policy.

We are waiting to serve you. Call us today for a complete valuation and inspection of your piano.

Out of tune?

Get in touch with our piano specialists today and let us know how we can help you. Call us on 0124522862 or complete our online contact form to book our services.
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